Tuesday 27 December 2016

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15 Words That Will Change Your Life Forever

Carelessness to truth is not a way of escape but a way to bondage. Because those who run away never find the way.
So many things we suffer now; are the relevant things we ignored yesterday.
Life is to you what you are to live. Life is not fair but life is just! So who are you to live.
The greatest mistake in life is being busy but not effective.
     The greatest failure in life is being a success in the wrong assignment.
Succeeding in the wrong assignment is failure.
It is not the size of a container that attracts the right content but the size of your content that attracts the right containe.
Develop your life and you will have room on earth.
Where you stand that youthful age determine where you will sit at old age.Your focus in life determines the image you reflect, project and produce. Because vision is a clear definition of life’s destination.
Spirituality does not permit you to overlook what you should give attention to.
The eyes of which you see the situation is the eyes in which God sees it. If you see yourself as a failure God see it so, as a success Gods sees same too. Because God sees through what you see through.
God can’t heal what you won’t reveal neither can He cleanse what you won’t confess.
     If the world wants a better leader, it only needs to pray for the one it has.
I can’t change what happened to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.
          pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

Thursday 22 December 2016

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“Develop your life before you build your house”

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. The plan is the big picture and goals are the point along the way of how to get there. Whatever we do in life should be done base on goals. If we don’t have a goal then we will become part of someone else’s plan. Things don’t just happen. We can dream of possibilities and have desires for the future but it will not happen unless we design a plan with daily, weekly and monthly goals on how to achieve them.

Working with a daily planner or some written list of things to do for the week will help us achieve something tangible and keep us focused on goals. Without planning and setting goals we just respond to situations as they come up.

We begin by knowing where we currently are (awareness) and then by knowing what we want (plan) and having a strategy for how to get there (goals).  The majority of our lives can turn out to be what we want it to be if we have goals and keep working on our plan. When we plan our activities and reach the goals we set for ourselves, we get a great feeling of satisfaction and have become achievers. Ask yourself if the things you planned for the benefit of someone else.

We must all respond and participate in the ideas and dreams of others. But if we want to reach the desires of our lives, we must also have ideas and dreams of our own and start planning on how we bring them into reality.
Without goals, our dreams will seem out of reach. If we have a good plan with goal posts along the way, we can focus on the goal which is short term. A five or ten-year plan may seem too far away causing loss of interest or hopelessness. The fulfilment of a goal is only to assure when we make a commitment to do it.

1.     Record your dreams and the things you want to achieve in writing. Then you will be able to know if it is really a true dream or only wishful thinking.
2.     Write down how much it is going to cost you. Examine the cost, the resources and the time required. Don’t forget to take into account the cost to relationships as well.
3.     Understand there is always a price to pay to see dreams come true.
4.     Keep your mind constantly focused on your goals.
5.     Be flexible; as you view your goal make adjustments as needed.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

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A broken promise is like a cloud passing over the desert and dropping no rain.” 

Our lives and businesses are built around things that are stable and dependable. We depend on the laws of physics such as gravity and the timing of the solar system. These laws are fixed and technology. Equipment and system that are not dependable are replaced. This applied to us as individuals; if we are not dependable or reliable we may be replaced by others who are.

It is important that we value people and their punctuality as a resource. We should consider time as a given as one of the most valuable commodities ever giving to mankind. You cannot do anything without it. A minute wasted is a minute lost forever. When we are punctual, it shows we value our time as well as the time of others. This creates value because others will consider us responsible, trustworthy, and dependably reliable.

One of the most visible character flaws is the inability to be somewhere on time. Or not show up at all. Tardiness is costly because it affects our reputation. We become known for arriving late and being undependable. Somehow we can always find an excuse, and may even lie to cover up, which adds to the flaw.

 Others blame it on their culture, but that doesn’t make it right. If we don’t take the responsibility for our personal promptness, others will treat us the same and valuable time will be lost by sitting around waiting for each other. 

Tardiness is a habit, a bad one. We won’t overcome this bad habit until we see how it hurts us. Some may justify tardiness as a part of being busy, but if we are late on the job, late on delivery, and late for appointments, sooner or later we won’t have a job, a delivery, or an appointment. Don’t make an appointment if you are not planning to be there on time. If we overcome this flaw, we gain a valuable asset which makes people believe in us and be able to count on us.

Dependability is one of the building blocks of a quality relationship. This means that you have the reputation of doing what you sat you are doing to do. If you are viewed as a dependable person, it is because you are a mental state that can be easily destroyed in times of conflict. It is much easier to destroy truth than it is to rebuild it. One bad action can destroy years of confidence.

1.     Be a person of your word, and expect others to do the same. Be frank, open and sincere. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

2.     Be stable, consistent and predictable. Learn to become single-minded, discipline in your thoughts, decision and emotions.

3.     Never use excuses. Be honest. Face reality. Learn to say no when necessary.

4.     Continually work to build a good reputation. Lack of dependability will detract from your reputation and can kill the potential of a good future.


’’A broken promise is like a cloud passing over the desert and dropping no rain.” 
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‘’ A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines, but what a shame to see anyone who sleeps away their hour of opportunity.’’

A characteristic of successful people is their endless ambition. They are known for their hard work and are always concerned about getting things done. Due to their ambition they see many opportunities and are always trying to make hay while the sun shines’. They know that the sun is not always shining so they take advantage of the opportunity while they are available.

Ambitious people don’t take it easy during the good times; they rise early and start their days with a good attitude and a grateful heart. Energy always follows vision and purpose but seems endless when it is for personal gain or achievement. 

The secret of getting energised is to have s goal you want to achieve. Showing people the opportunity they can develop with their lives, their family or business will encourage them to be more ambitious. When people discover their potential and are rewarded for their achievements, they get inspired to pursue what they are fully capable of achieving.

Opportunity is seen only by a person who has ambition. This person is already preparing to “make hay” already an energised worker, a planner and full ambition. He is only waiting for the weather, the sunshine or opportunity. Opportunities don’t not only come our way, we create them. No one will offer an opportunity to a lazy or unproductive person because they know he won’t make the most of it. Favours are usually earned. It’s hard to give a favour to a person who we know will not take advantage of it.

Create the opportunity to pursue the ball. Some will say they are lucky, but others will say the more I practice the luckier I get! This environment creates opportunity and opportunities are always plentiful when driven by purpose.
Opportunities follow the hardworking, ambitious, responsible people that have a positive attitude. They know that things don’t just happen. They go after they ball. They also know the value of planning and working the plans. They are wise and know time is limited and must be managed wisely. There is a saying “if you want to get things done, ask the person who is already busy.

Ambitious people have a positive thought pattern and only see and discover opportunities but they create them as well. Their hardworking, positive attitude creates a need within them to plan and organise. They find better ways, greater possibilities and bigger opportunities.

Work is an opportunity and is always available. There are always things to do for those who want to do something.

1.     Plan your work well.
2.     Limit or budget your time.
3.     Constantly re-evaluate your performance and your goals.
4.     Go after the fall in the game of life.
5.     Keep yourself motivated by pursuing your dreams.
6.     If you need something done, ask someone who is doing something already.


Successful men don’t do different things they do things differently. 

Sunday 18 December 2016

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Common Sense

The Productivity Principle of Common Sense

“Any enterprise becomes strong through common sense’’.
Common sense, which is not so common anymore, is simply stopping and using our heads. Understanding its value and applying it will keep our lives from being complicated and confused. Common sense is sound logic, sensible reason or simple equations the end result is practical wisdom.

Sometimes we get so educated that we can’t even think in a practical way. Common sense is the ability to reason out problems and find practical and sensible ways to overcome them. Education is important, but without common sense is loses much of its value. If we blend our dreams and goals with common sense they are more likely to come true rather remaining just a dream.

We are taught how to do things in a certain way and this way becomes common to us until someone finds a simpler or better way of doing it.

 Common sense would then tell us to change our ways. Habits or tradition can stifle our personal growth and keep us bound by those traditions. Some beliefs can stand in the way of progress because we refuse to follow truth or common sense. A nation’s culture may tolerate bribes, lying and cheating. 

Common sense, however, would tell us not to do it because it is morally wrong and will hurt us as individuals as well as our society.

We learn more by imitation than by formal teaching. Some principles may be practised subconsciously before they are formally taught. Whatever people do, whether it is right or wrong, soon becomes accepted practice by many. Sometimes we must go through a bad experience in order to learn the truth about common sense.

The opposite of common sense would be stupidity. How many times have you heard someone say, “I was stupid’’? If we follow that which we know is right, it is usually common sense. Our plans can be so rigid that we forget to listen to our heart which is normally suggesting the use of common sense. We can become so intellectual that we get out of touch with ourselves and reality and do stupid things.

No family, business or nation can survive without common sense as a part of their planned strategies. Common sense will suggest a change or adjustment as you proceed.


Thoughts produce actions, actions become habits, habits form our character, and character determines destiny.
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