Tuesday 20 December 2016

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A broken promise is like a cloud passing over the desert and dropping no rain.” 

Our lives and businesses are built around things that are stable and dependable. We depend on the laws of physics such as gravity and the timing of the solar system. These laws are fixed and technology. Equipment and system that are not dependable are replaced. This applied to us as individuals; if we are not dependable or reliable we may be replaced by others who are.

It is important that we value people and their punctuality as a resource. We should consider time as a given as one of the most valuable commodities ever giving to mankind. You cannot do anything without it. A minute wasted is a minute lost forever. When we are punctual, it shows we value our time as well as the time of others. This creates value because others will consider us responsible, trustworthy, and dependably reliable.

One of the most visible character flaws is the inability to be somewhere on time. Or not show up at all. Tardiness is costly because it affects our reputation. We become known for arriving late and being undependable. Somehow we can always find an excuse, and may even lie to cover up, which adds to the flaw.

 Others blame it on their culture, but that doesn’t make it right. If we don’t take the responsibility for our personal promptness, others will treat us the same and valuable time will be lost by sitting around waiting for each other. 

Tardiness is a habit, a bad one. We won’t overcome this bad habit until we see how it hurts us. Some may justify tardiness as a part of being busy, but if we are late on the job, late on delivery, and late for appointments, sooner or later we won’t have a job, a delivery, or an appointment. Don’t make an appointment if you are not planning to be there on time. If we overcome this flaw, we gain a valuable asset which makes people believe in us and be able to count on us.

Dependability is one of the building blocks of a quality relationship. This means that you have the reputation of doing what you sat you are doing to do. If you are viewed as a dependable person, it is because you are a mental state that can be easily destroyed in times of conflict. It is much easier to destroy truth than it is to rebuild it. One bad action can destroy years of confidence.

1.     Be a person of your word, and expect others to do the same. Be frank, open and sincere. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

2.     Be stable, consistent and predictable. Learn to become single-minded, discipline in your thoughts, decision and emotions.

3.     Never use excuses. Be honest. Face reality. Learn to say no when necessary.

4.     Continually work to build a good reputation. Lack of dependability will detract from your reputation and can kill the potential of a good future.


’’A broken promise is like a cloud passing over the desert and dropping no rain.” 


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