Sunday 18 December 2016

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Common Sense

The Productivity Principle of Common Sense

“Any enterprise becomes strong through common sense’’.
Common sense, which is not so common anymore, is simply stopping and using our heads. Understanding its value and applying it will keep our lives from being complicated and confused. Common sense is sound logic, sensible reason or simple equations the end result is practical wisdom.

Sometimes we get so educated that we can’t even think in a practical way. Common sense is the ability to reason out problems and find practical and sensible ways to overcome them. Education is important, but without common sense is loses much of its value. If we blend our dreams and goals with common sense they are more likely to come true rather remaining just a dream.

We are taught how to do things in a certain way and this way becomes common to us until someone finds a simpler or better way of doing it.

 Common sense would then tell us to change our ways. Habits or tradition can stifle our personal growth and keep us bound by those traditions. Some beliefs can stand in the way of progress because we refuse to follow truth or common sense. A nation’s culture may tolerate bribes, lying and cheating. 

Common sense, however, would tell us not to do it because it is morally wrong and will hurt us as individuals as well as our society.

We learn more by imitation than by formal teaching. Some principles may be practised subconsciously before they are formally taught. Whatever people do, whether it is right or wrong, soon becomes accepted practice by many. Sometimes we must go through a bad experience in order to learn the truth about common sense.

The opposite of common sense would be stupidity. How many times have you heard someone say, “I was stupid’’? If we follow that which we know is right, it is usually common sense. Our plans can be so rigid that we forget to listen to our heart which is normally suggesting the use of common sense. We can become so intellectual that we get out of touch with ourselves and reality and do stupid things.

No family, business or nation can survive without common sense as a part of their planned strategies. Common sense will suggest a change or adjustment as you proceed.


Thoughts produce actions, actions become habits, habits form our character, and character determines destiny.


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