Thursday 17 November 2016

on 5 comments

A Man Without a Dream Is a Man Without Value

You need a dream to backup your existence on earth. Nothing great was even created without a dream.  What you do not see you cannot seize, and what you do not picture you cannot capture.
Gen 37: 5 - 9
Verse 5: ...and Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren.
Verse 9: And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, behold, I have dreamed a dream more, and behold the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.

man with wisdom

You need a dream to backup your existence on earth. Nothing great was even created without a dream Says Dr Paul Enenche, Snr. Pastor at Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Nigeria. What you do not see you cannot seize, and what you do not picture you cannot capture.

Your dream today determines your future tomorrow. Dream fuels destiny. Your portion on earth and eternity is base on your dream, Joseph saw himself fulfilling destiny and nation bowing down to him at the mercies of his dreams.

            You can never go beyond your view, you can never move beyond your sight. Click to tweet
            How far you can see determine how far you can go.

The quality of your dream determines the quality of your life and destiny.
No man is qualified to live if he has no dream for a living. To live without a dream is living a life of no value.- (Martins Francis) Click to tweet this quote
Imagine a boy wanting to become a medical doctor and has no dream of going to school, or a man working and have nothing to show for, it because he has no dream of setting up something for himself. What a mockery. No dream no future!

Dr David Oyedepo said, “If you leave your life to chance you stand to have no chance”. Why because big dream is full of purposes, and no dream is full of wishes, to dream big is to live big.

As a little boy, I liked to dream big, I remember spending  countless hours in my basement pretending I was a great preacher on my make belief stage. There I’d be belting out messages after messages from a collection of anointed men of God.

Truthfully I never really did preach as much as I bounced around like other preachers of the Word I saw on television, yet I still believed there was always a chance that one day I’d be preaching with the best of them, well puberty fixed that for me.

I have come to realise whether you’re a kid or an adult, there’s never really a shortage of big dreams in this world.  What’s the harm for the young ball player to dream that one day he’ll hit the most of the major league? 

A Baseball player or the high school actress who fantasises about having her name on broadway marquee?

Or what about the frustrated adult who dreams of a career that inspires their heart and soul rather than simply pays their bills

We grow great by dreams - All big men are dreamers.

Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them; nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunlight, which comes always to those who hope that their dream will come true.

Your dream today determines your future tomorrow. Dream fuels destiny, no man has a future without a dream. It is your dream today that determines your future tomorrow. Joseph saw himself fulfilling destiny and nations bowing down to him at the mercies of his dreams.

I know of a group of middle ages who felt they were too old to dream and hope anymore.
It dawned on me that this small group was echoing sentiments probably felt by many, and certainly attributing to the pessimistic attitude we’ve adopted today. Believe me, I understand how life can be dawning at times- unfair and cruel even. 

Going for gold is not always easy when the competition of everyday life can cause even the most motivated competitors to give up on their dreams. But the opportunity exists for all of us to claim victory, it a process and a principle. How far you see determines how far you can go, because the quality of a man’s dream equals the quality of a man’s life and destiny.

Everyone plays, some give up before even starting, and others will spend a lifetime trying to succeed.

I’ve had some successes in my life, but I thought at this time I’d be further along in my career, both financially and professionally, have a few written books under my belt and maybe even an award for my troubles.

Yes, they’re still dreams, there’s no reason I shouldn’t keep on hoping and dreaming that someday they just might come true. That’s the thing about dreams they never expire unless you let them. A man is not greater than the dreams that dominate his mind and thoughts.

I am aware that life can be a continual challenge filled with the unforeseen event we struggle to navigate through - no one is arguing that point, but the road can be made a little easier if you continue to foster the dreams that still beat on your heart.  One thing is sure no one is qualified to live if he has no dream for a living.

Big dreams have purposes, little dreams have fantasies. To dream big is to live big but many times they’re buried under the sea of responsibilities. Maybe it is time to simplify your life, to take a look in the mirror and remember what it was like to dream of the future.

Ask yourself, ‘‘is there anything I can do right now?’’ maybe it’s joining a local theatre group, enrol in college, and amateur sports group, taking a cooking class. It is never too late to take a hold of your future.

Reason to Dream Again

What can you do now, because life is not a chance it a choice, Dr David Oyedepo once said if you leave your life to chance you stand to have no chance. So why not start dreaming and hoping with the child-like naivety we all abandoned so many years ago?

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

The emancipation proclamation, this momentous decree came as a great beacon of hope to millions of negro slave who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to the end the long night of their captivity, just by a man named Martin Luther King who took the responsibility to dream it and it walked for him.

Over to You

If you can dream it, you can do it, you have all it takes.

Here are the major take away from this article

  • You need a dream to backup your existence on earth.
  • What you do not see; you cannot seize.
  • Until you picture it you cannot capture it.
  • What is not in tour heart cannot be in your hand
  • There is no future without a dream.
  •  Your dream today determines your future tomorrow.
  • Dreams fuels destiny.
  •  Your portion on earth and eternity is base on your dream.
  • You can never go beyond your view if you can never move beyond your sight.
  • How far you see determine how far you can go.
  • The quality of your dream determines the quality of your life.
  • A man is not greater than the dream that dominates his mind and thoughts
  • Big dreams have a purpose, little dreams have wished.

Please share your views with me on how and let me know in the comments if you were blessed by this articles and what challenges you might be facing in achieving your dreams. Endeavour to share with your friends too. God Bless You. 



  2. Thank you Paul, I hope you were blessed

  3. Mahn u re bad just keep d good work on am sure u will touch lives greatly big ups bro

  4. My name is Precious, I want to say thank u so much for this wonderful article, it's a life changing one.

  5. Ngoy
    Very blessing. But I am a bit confused on Joseph who dreamed in his sleep . Is it not different from consciensly dreaming awake ?
    Secondly , help me with some money to buy a land to build my church building. +243820068933


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