Tuesday 22 November 2016

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The Power of Positive Thinking

One of the crucial secrets in bringing out your best is by the power of positive thinking. In this chapter, we are going to be considering a very crucial aspect of life known as the power of positive thinking.  What you think you are, and where you think you can ever reach in life is affected by your mentality. Positive thinking by and large equates having the right mentality at all times in every situation.

How does the right mentality affect identity?

It is important to note that identity and mentality affect reality, life changes only when your daily mentality changes. Your life is stagnated until your mentality changes.  It takes the hammer of positive thinking and the right mentality to drive the nail of success. 

Your living and value is affected by your thinking; the level of your mentality affects the level of your performance in life. 

  And there we saw the giants; the sons of Anak, which come of the giants, and so we were in their sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight (Numbers 13: 33.) 
 The way you see your problems, limitations, afflictions is the same way they see you.  The way you see poverty is the same way poverty sees you.  You cannot have the mentality of poverty and have the destiny of riches, you cannot have the mentality of a grasshopper and have the destiny of giant; likewise, you cannot have the mentality of fowls and operate in the realms of eagles.

           “For as he thinketh in his hearth so is he” (Proverbs 23:7)
The reason for poverty is because people think they are poor, your mentality affects your reality.  Imagine this: a woman going to sit for an interview with the mindset of failure has set her mind to even before sitting for the interview.   Hear this, until your inwardness changes the lookwardity of your situation; that determine the itiveness of your destiny (your mindset is what solidifies your making).
Know this: A sheep led by a lion will defeat a lion led by a sheep, why? The lionic mentality de-sheepify the sheep, the sheep has become a lion in mentality.
 John L. Mason said something I will never forget, he said to think big is to live big. He added to associate higher is the link to greatness. My beloved when your mentality changes your situation that shows the qualitativeness of your destiny, if God is your partner make your plans big, enlarge your mentality, engrain the power of positive thinking in your fabric and start living big.

In reality, who a person is or what a person is; is the product of the power of positive thinking. People of God are automobile thinkers, people of elastic mentality, and high tenacity in thinking capacity. The power of positive thinking gives you the courage and confidence to face life challenges and fulfil destiny

And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and what so ever Adam called every creature that was the name thereof. (Geneses 2:19)
I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think (Socrates)
God did not teach Adam how to name animals; he only diffused thinking hormones in him. Prosperity is in your ability to think positively, Success is in your ability to think. Think your way out of poverty and failure. You can never have a revolution in order to establish mentality; you must have a mentality in order to have a revolution. I learn that great dreams are established by great thinkers, that is to say, your mentality backup you’re your dreams and sharpens your realities.

Immaturity is the inability to have a positive mentality, positive mentality provokes positive action and commands positive result, likewise, negative mentality, provokes negative action and negative actions command negative result. Dare to be yourself

Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth by the power of positive thinking.  Let him that would move the world first move his mentality.
In conclusion, your self growth is tied to the power of positive thinking and the right mentality.

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