Monday 21 November 2016

on 2 comments

Dare To Be Yourself

Being yourself is the prettiest thing a person can. Stop trying to fit in, when you have a lot of potentials embedded in you to fulfil your dreams. Being yourself is being true to your potentials. For a good number of years or so of my life, I wanted to be Dr Paul Enenche, the bestselling author of the destiny project. He is a keynote speaker at prestigious conferences around the world and the founder of Dunamis Gospel Centre.

Being Youself

I wanted to be Paul for all the obvious reasons. A graduate of medicine, he is incredibly bright and ambitious. A renowned preacher with overseeing one of the largest congregations in Africa.  But there was more, I wanted to swap his message; no his everything – for mine, I was sick of being myself.

As time wore on, I came to the point of realisation and understanding that nothing is important, meaningful, or beautiful, interesting or great, ever came out of imitation because Paul Enenche’s universe is radically different from my world, our deposit is different that mean our very nature and identity are also different. What is hard and amazing is giving up on being others and beginning the world of being yourself (becoming you).

 Being Yourself

being yourself

As simple as how to be yourself seems, it isn’t so simple to those of us who have different expression and interpretation of what works and what doesn’t. What looks like authenticity may actually be the opposite, because we are living in a world where we over value who we are not and undervalue who we are. Being yourself would, in the long run, add value to your life as a person

Until you learn the basic fundamental of being yourself, applying who you are, accomplishments and life satisfaction becomes ephemeral. You need to come to a point in your life where you need to stop and ask yourself “who am I?” I often ask myself why people are struggling with authentically being themselves. Could it be peer pressure, parental pressure, political or religious pressure to be something that we are truly not? Or could it be about a past feeling of rejection that may consequently leave us feeling irrelevant?

Maybe we feel like we won’t be accepted unless we replicate what already seems to work for others? Perhaps we have never taken the time to consider who we truly are. What makes us tick, what brings us joy, what gives us purpose, peace and a sense of completeness in how we live our lives? We are bombarded with suggestions from every angle implying what we should find identity in. which clothes to wear, what car to drive and what music to listen to, but at the end of the day, we must look at this person in the mirror as asked who am I?

There is only one you. No one else has your thumbprint, you are truly unique regardless if you realise it or not.  Even if you have a twin you are still distinct because you have different personalities.

Diversity is what makes this world so interesting, imagine if everyone looked the same, dress the same, talk with the same accent and had all of the exact same interest and desires, what if there was no Mexican, Chinese, Alien, how dull and boring would that be, all blacks and Nigerian!  Hah …..
You may not look good, nor do the best in your class or in your school, office or organisation, however, there is and I am convinced there one thing you are genuinely good and comfortable at. Being yourself in all that you do is a first step to discovering your potentials.
Thus following the step of a giant makes a giant and not taking it identity. 
Your uniqueness is what set you apart from everyone else. It makes you distinguishable amongst the crowd. Don’t blend in, stand out. Be peculiar and build up the courage to be yourself. Don’t be a clone or a carbon copy of someone else, just because it worked for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. Dare to be yourself and remember this ‘‘it’s better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who are not’’ if you are yourself then you are your best (David Oyedep0).

If you must succeed in life and destiny you must learn how to be yourself because that is when you are at your best. The way you see yourself today will affect your performance in life and destiny. Joseph knew it is time to stand out and become outstanding. Remember you are a mirror to your world (Matt. 4:14). We cannot reach our destiny by taking another man’s destination, so don’t define yourself by people’s opinion. You are what God says you are (1 john 4:4) Jesus is Lord.

·        You cannot fulfil destiny if you are not yourself.
·        If you are struggling to be like others, the best you can become is number two (John Mason)
·       Where everybody is sitting, stand, when everybody is standing, stand out, when everybody is standing out, Outstand and become a standard (Paul Enenche).
·        Don’t define yourself by people’s opinion.

Being yourself at everything you do, drawing in from the inert potentials that are within will make you leave happier and enjoy your days. It is wiser to be spend discovering ways to develop the real you than spending hours trying to imitate others. You are the best when you are yourself.

Please, share with your loved ones. I would be here to respond to your comments, so do well to post a comment before you leave. See you soon.


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